Thursday 25 April 2013

Dear Diary,

I don't even know where to begin! Forget Rosaline, I met this new girl named Juliet. I was mourning over the realization that Rosaline will never love me back, when my friends proposed we crash a Capulet party. I hesitated but they wouldn't take no for an answer. They insisted it would cheer me up and help me forget about Rosaline. In the end I agreed, and boy am I thankful for that. Shortly after our arrival I laid eyes upon the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was graceful, elegant and looked about 13 years old, which is perfect since I'm only interested in really young girls. I kissed her, Diary! I'm in love. Yes, maybe a little of it is lust, but it's mainly love I think. After the party, I went to spy on her once she was back in her bedroom. I overheard her professing her love for me. Unlike Rosaline, Juliet loves be back! I have never felt this strongly for anyone before so I proposed that we marry, and she said yes! So tomorrow morning Diary, I will no longer be single, I will have a wife. Married to the greatest love of my life.